By Julie Lyons
Do you know if your web site, blog and social channels adhere to best practices? Or how they stack up against the competition?
If not, we can help! Fill out our quick and easy online form to get your free, personalized marketing grade and online report via email within 1-2 business days.
You’ll get your very own score between 0 and 100, so you can see where you measure up and where you fall short. A higher score is better! We can even show you how you compare to a few competitors if you include their URLs.
Your custom marketing score and report will show you:
• How your web site and inbound marketing efforts rank on a scale of 0 to 100 (higher is better)
• Which areas of your site and marketing efforts need the most improvements to perform better
• If your site is optimized for mobile viewers
• Whether you’re leveraging blogging and social media as much as you should be
• Critical SEO stats, such as your MozRank, the number of authoritative sites linking to you and more
Click the button below to get started!