By Super Admin
Social media is an important part of your business and brand. The way you conduct yourself through your social media accounts is a direct reflection on your business. Here are just a few social media etiquette tips to keep you and your businesss, on the right track.
1. Don’t overuse hash tags. . Although they’re a convenient way to tag your posts for others to find it, overuse of hashtags can be irritating to your followers and can come across as spam-like. Limit your hashtags to a maximum of two or three per tweet. And do not use hashtags on Facebook as they don’t work. Facebook currently doesn’t allow for hashtag searches, so they serve no purpose.
2. Don’t abbreviate. Example: “Iwnt 2 c u @ netwk meet!” Resist the urge to abbreviate your posts. Yes, it’s faster, but also unprofessional. Social media may be a more casual environment, but it doesn’t mean that people will look past spelling and grammatical error.
3. Don’t ignore questions and comments. You may hear some compliments, criticisms or asked a tough question, but all will need to be addressed. No one likes to be ignored, so it’s important to respond.
4. Credit your source. If you use an idea or statistics from another business, person or source, be honest and credit the source where you obtained the information.
5. Take time to invest in social media. This is a valuable marketing tool that can be very effective when properly used. Whether a small or large business, you should hire someone that’s only focus is on social media, as well as allow at least a few hours a week in your budget for social media. More time will allow you to do a better job of branding your business. .
These 5 simple tips will make all the difference in how people respond to your company’s social media campaigns.