By Lisa Kirschner
As Adobe recently announced, it has acquired Swiss-based Day Software and will be moving into the crowded content management, digital asset management and social collaboration space. The $240-million-dollar deal is not surprising, considering that many Adobe users also need a CMS, a DAM and social collaboration tools.
Day’s flagship suite, called CQ5, will be integrated into Adobe’s offering and will give the company another avenue to market its Flash, Flex and LiveCycle tools. It will come as good news to Adobe’s “cult” followers and even better news to current or previous Day users who have grappled with poor support and lack of Day resources in the U.S. For those of us who have experience with both Day and Adobe products, it’s particularly exciting.
We’ll be interested to see how the products are integrated and how long it takes for the dust to settle. Word on the street is that the deal is expected to close during the fourth quarter, so we don’t expect to see any real progress or mature capabilities for at least another year or two. Still, very welcome news and we’ll be closely monitoring their progress. We’ll keep you updated here as well.
Interested in hearing your thoughts on the Day acquisition…are there any current or previous Day users out there and how do you feel about this? Let us know.
Lisa Kirschner
Managing Editor, Content 911 Blog
Managing Director, Flair Interactive Services Inc.