By Lisa Kirschner
A member of one of my online groups asked this question the other day:
“We’ve got a LinkedIn page for the company, but we don’t have many followers – any quick tips for getting more eyes on our profile?”
I hear this same question all the time! I thought I’d share my response here with you in case any of you are struggling with the same issue.
Here’s what I told that reader and the same thing applies to pretty much ANY business these days:
Another important point is that you don’t want to just attract “more eyes to your profile”…you want to attract the RIGHT eyes! Inbound marketing ensures that you are providing the RIGHT content to the RIGHT people at the RIGHT time. That’s why it’s so effective!
So what say you? Are you struggling to get traffic to your web site or social channels OR have you seen great results with inbound marketing? Let us know!
Lisa Kirschner
Managing Director and Content Guru
Flair Interactive Services Inc.
P.S. Need help with your social media strategy? Download our free social media ebook below or learn how we help our clients with social media management.