By Joanna Ellis-Escobar
So often, as content marketers and online digital strategists, we see the same thing in our clients. Fear.
Despite what they may say the reason is for not biting the proverbial bullet and taking the reins on their digital presence, more often than not, it’s the result of one little thing: fear of charging the unknown.
Clients are afraid of what they don’t know. They’re afraid to take the leap and plunge into the dark waters of digital marketing.
They’re afraid to start that blog, because what if nobody reads it?
They’re afraid to put together and execute their social media campaign, because what if nobody follows them?
They’re afraid to revamp and modernize their decade(s)-old website, because how can they sell that (read: justify) cost to their boss?
If you’re afraid of trying to navigate those murky waters alone, I say this: you are NOT alone. You do, in fact, have a tribe. You just need to find them.
Digital marketing guru, entrepreneur and blogger Seth Godin coined the idea of tribes in marketing. Got an extra 18 minutes? Check out Godin’s inspiring TedTalk, The tribes we lead). Gone are the days of mass marketing and cold-calling…and with their exit was born the idea of connecting with your audience. You don’t have to go find them, they will come to you.
It’s the “if you build it, they will come” mentality. And, in fact, the ideology is as old as time. Human nature has always craved connection. We’ve always sought out the like-minded. We’ve always needed and trusted our tribe, whether we knew it or not.
So, how does this relate to you and your digital marketing efforts? The answer is actually much simpler than you may think.
Don’t fear the role you’ll play in your digital presence. Lead. Be a leader. Find your tribe, and show them the way. Understand their needs, solve their problems, and that great connection we all seek will naturally follow.
Look, we get this can be a scary venture. As easy as we make it sound, we know it’s hard to put yourself out there. But the idea is what’s simple. You have a product. A service. An idea. You know it’s good, you believe in it. So go, find your tribe…and lead them!
Looking for advice on how you can find, connect with and lead YOUR tribe? Flair Interactive has helped thousands of clients find their tribes. Reach out today to learn more about how we can help you through effective, thoughtful, comprehensive thought leadership marketing strategies that see results.