By Joanna Ellis-Escobar
In the words of The Content Advisory’s Robert Rose:
“Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star.
Content Marketing is showing the world you are one.”
I couldn’t agree more. Your content marketing strategy needs to be more than just your blog, or just your Facebook page or just the premium downloadables on your site.
Content marketing is an all-encompassing feat. It’s strategic, a road map, with multiple courses and dozens of routes and so many winding trails, all that lead your user-slash-reader-slash-customer to one very detailed, well-thought out, premeditated, specific place…to the belief that YOU, are a rock star. And why do they believe this?
Because you showed them.
Now I’ll be the first to admit, this is no easy task. Mapping out your content marketing strategy to show the world that you are in fact, a bona fide, legit, authoritative, one-of-a-kind rock star isn’t something that happens over night. It takes time, and a honed view of the big picture.
But I promise you…it is achievable. It sounds scary, but all it really takes are the right stories in the right place at the right time.