By Joanna Ellis-Escobar
Inbound marketing is many things…but the one thing it’s not? Simple. It’s complex, multifaceted and, when done right, effective.
If you’ve wanted to implement inbound strategy but feel overwhelmed with where to start, here’s a list of 26 (some of them are very simple) easy-to-do ways you can use inbound marketing to transform your reach and strengthen everything there is when it comes to your brand identity. Read on for our list of the best ways you can use inbound marketing to surge ahead of your competition.
- Develop Buyers Personas – This is, in a nutshell, the single most important aspect of inbound marketing. Buyer Personas are fictional representations of who your target demographic is. Once you have researched the age range, gender, specific problem they have, where they go for info (Facebook? LinkedIn? Pinterest? Google search?) you can then create and deliver content they would find useful.
- Define, then address, pain points – You’ll start this process with your persona development, and you’ll use it in everything you do. You don’t want content that’s just fluffy and shows “yay, you can create content!” You want content that’s useful. So what’s the main reason your audience needs you? Great! Now show them how you can help!
- Personalize content – This is where your Buyers Personas become worth the time you invested in the process of getting them done. You know who your product or service is good for, and you know where those people are…now make sure your content is exactly what they need…and put it exactly where they go.
- Use forms – Using smart forms on your site accomplishes two things. One, you gain valuable data and information about your customers. And two, you make it as easy as possible on them. Smart forms dynamically adapt to your user, displaying data and updating per their experience. Have they been there before? Filled out a form before? Capture more info and a better picture of who your customer is through the use of smart forms.
[Read more…] about Top 26 revolutionary ways inbound can delight customers