By Marissa Kasarov
Social media marketing has changed significantly over the past few years, so staying up to date on trends is absolutely essential to your success.
One of the fastest growing trends is image-centric marketing rather than traditional text-based marketing. Many find that it is easier to digest information when presented visually rather than by just reading text. Understanding this change in trend can help optimize your social media marketing campaign, giving you an edge over any competitors who may still rely soley on publishing text. Most people have a limited attention span, especially in this new age of bombarding technology. Information can quickly become overwhelming, and people have to pick and choose among plenty of content options. As a result, most people tend to just skim through content in order to extract the information that they’re looking for.
When a reader or visitor comes across a long winded post with nothing but text, it can turn them off simply necause they don’t have time to read through it. However, incorporating images into a post is a natural way to grab attention and break up text. It’s the perfect motivating force to encourage visitors to stick around and explore content in great detail, because although quality written text can be persuasive, some well-placed images can take it that extra step further. Check out the video below to see what Hubspot has to say about how to incorporate and create images for social media: