By Joanna Ellis-Escobar
These days, if you aren’t marketing your brand, you’re going nowhere, fast.
There’s a saying: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and we think nowhere is this more applicable than in marketing.
So what’s the latest in the world of digital marketing? Don’t worry if you haven’t had time to keep up on your marketing news this week (we get it, holiday week and all…).
We’ve got you covered with our weekly roundup of the top news in digital marketing.
Can your brand benefit from influencer marketing? (Forbes)
Wondering if all the influencer-hype is worth your time? All signs point to yes, according to this Forbes recap. Check out what SocialPublic CEO and co-founder Ismael El-Qudsi thinks about this latest trend in marketing your brand. (Hint: he’s into it).
Digital marketing 101 for entrepreneurs (Entrepreneur)
Sure, there’s marketing…but these days there’s also the ever-so-powerful DIGITAL marketing. And if you’re not utilizing the applications at your fingertips like Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest and the plethora of other tools out there, you’re without a doubt missing out on some major opportunities. Learn more about digital marketing and why you need a plan.
Three ways to build a successful marketing strategy on a budget (Forbes)
Forbes makes our list twice this week with another great piece on how to utilize the best parts of marketing while being mindful of your spend. Marketing can be expensive…but with the right partners in place you can get the most out of it in creative and strategic ways that get results. Our favorite part of this piece? “No matter your budget constraints, it’s important you have at least some kind of marketing activity happening.” We couldn’t agree more. Check out these top 3 ways to make your marketing work for you.
The best digital marketing stats of the week (EConsultancy)
Few things get us as excited as statistics. Find the most up-to-date and interesting statistics in the world of digital marketing. Which stat topped our list of most interesting? 62% of consumers place higher trust in companies whose AI interactions are perceived as ethical. Whoa.
In marketing, prioritize what you can control (Nerej)
This one’s a bit out of the box for us…it’s short-n-sweet and turns out to not be from one of the “normal” outlets we typically share with you. But it is definitely food for thought. What’s the number one place you should focus on to both control and grow your brand image? Any guesses?
How’s your marketing game in 2019? Looking for some help to keep your head above water? With all there is to think about, research, master and implement, when it comes to marketing your own brand, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Flair has been helping clients just like you create marketing plans that work. Reach out today to learn more about how we can create a marketing strategy that gets results.
Image courtesy of Pixabay, Geralt