By Joanna Ellis-Escobar
Weekly roundup is here again. This week, we’re talking all-things WordPress. Find out the latest and industry greatest in our top five news stories about WordPress!
- How to increase your PageSpeed in WordPress (Search Engine Land)
Learn how to optimize your WordPress site to increase your PageSpeed – because Google cares about how long it takes your site to load, so you should care too. - Can WordPress support enterprise needs? (CMS Wire)
The ins and outs of WordPress for enterprise-sized corporations, covering everything from Plugins to integration capabilities and more. - UK researchers warn of serious WordPress PHP flaw (Info Security Magazine)
You may have heard about this over the last week or so, as it’s been covered by virtually every digital news outlet who has even the slightest interest in the CMS world. Why is this potential flaw such a big deal? Three words: complete system compromise. Learn more in this article. - Moovly launches powerful new WordPress plugin (GlobeNewswire)
What, exactly, makes this plugin so special? It’s a video content Plugin that eliminates the need for code. Game. Changer. - Busting the security myth: Should I use WordPress for my website? (HelpNetSecurity)
Just how secure is WordPress? Read on to find out.
Looking for help implementing, managing and running your WordPress site? We’ve got you covered…reach out today to learn more about Flair’s WordPress expertise and see how we’ve been helping customers launch and run successful WordPress sites for years.
Image courtesy of TheDigitalArtist via Pixabay