By Joanna Ellis-Escobar
For this week’s #throwbackthursday post, we’re looking back at a 2013 blog from SEMRush on silly mistakes marketers make when it comes to pay per click campaigns. Curious to know what those are? You can check out the original article, but if you don’t have time to read the whole thing…no worries…here are the down-and-dirty mistakes you want to avoid in your campaign:
- Don’t bid on lame keywords
- Don’t bid on your own name
- Don’t send people to a landing page that doesn’t relate
- Don’t repeat your ad copy
- Don’t forget to diversify
All great tips – even five years later, these “don’ts” still largely apply. But we think there are a few “do’s” worth mentioning, too…so read on to learn four (more) things you should do to ensure you have a successful pay per click campaign.
6. [yells] USE YOUR PERSONAS!! Who are you targeting? Great…now that you know this…is your campaign targeting them? If not, #fail.
7. Test. Test. Test. There’s no magic formula that results in the perfect pay per click campaign. It’s all about testing and modifying. A/B testing allows you to see what’s working best (and what’s miserably failing) and utilize that valuable information to get the absolute most bang-for-your-PPC-buck.
8. Learn from others. Nothing gives you more insight than your own instinct. When you’re drawn to an ad, make a mental note of it, or start a file to refer back to. Chances are you’ll start to notice a trend in what “works” for you – is there a common denominator in all the ads that grab you? Short, snappy copy? A certain color that dominates the theme? A specific CTA that engages you? Another graphic design attribute? Try and nail down whatever aspect(s) draw you in, and then emulate that in your own designs.
9. Optimize. If you’re at the point where you’re embarking on a pay per click campaign, you’ve likely already spent a lot of time fine-tuning your keyword list. Use this to your advantage. Optimizing your copy means two things: you’ll attract users who are more likely to convert, and more importantly, you’ll have a better chance of weeding out those who probably aren’t going to become viable leads, but will instead waste your budget unnecessarily.
PPC can be confusing. It can be frustrating. It can feel like you’re flushing money down the world-wide-web toilet. But a carefully, thoughtfully executed PPC campaign can help you grow your brand and cement your place in your industry.
Are you looking for help with your PPC efforts? The Flair Interactive team has years of experience planning and managing PPC campaigns for hundreds of clients in industries across the board. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.